Sunday 7 March 2010

Jonathan Crane boxtoy


Boo! Number 2 in my promotional boxtoys series is Jonathan Crane, aka. The Scarecrow! Unsurprisingly, Scarecrows features a few poems about its namesake. There's Kuebiko from Japanese mythology, a contemporary take on Nathanial Hawthorne's Feathertop and then this fellow, one of Batman's nemeses, who features in the poem Henching for Jonathan Crane.


As you can see, it's a little more complicated than Christina. He comes with a scythe, two crows and a wonky hat. Putting him together can be a little tricky, so here's some tips:

1) Do all the cutting before you start folding and do all the folding before you start glueing.

2) Keep the scissors on hand to trim little bits here and there for a better fit.

3) When cutting the holes out from the centre of his cape and hat brim, pinch the paper in the very middle to give the scissors something to get their teeth into.


You can download the net from here. Cut along the thick black lines, fold along the dotted ones.

Don't forget also that you can buy the poetry pamphlet he features in from here for £4.00.

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